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Lawyer Threatened Clients After Disclosing Company Documents, Court Says | UK | New UK News

Neil Gerrard allegedly intimidated directors of mining company ENRC into following his advice by claiming investigators would raid their homes, a judge said. He also handed over confidential documents to newspapers, it was alleged. The former police officer has been accused of acting like a mole for the Serious Fraud Office, which was investigating the company over corruption allegations, the High Court has heard.

ENRC is suing the SFO for £ 70million for alleged misconduct in the public service.

He is also suing Mr Gerrard and his former employer, the law firm Dechert, for alleged breach of contract in connection with a claim potentially worth several hundred million pounds.

Mr Gerrard and Dechert dismissed ENRC’s claims, describing them as “an elaborate work of fiction”.

The OFS qualifies ENRC’s claim as “hopeless”.

SFO officers launched an investigation into ENRC’s activities in Africa and Kazakhstan eight years ago.

No employee or manager has been arrested or charged with any offense.

Mr. Gerrard and Dechert represented ENRC in the investigation, it was said.

Allegations regarding Mr Gerrard were made in a 100-page document drafted by lawyers for ENRC and disclosed yesterday.

OFS investigators used the lawyer as a “privileged source of confidential information” about his clients and urged him to divulge their secrets, it was alleged.

The hearing continues.

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This notice was published: 2021-05-25 14:45:00