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Indian variant found in 181 zones: is yours one of them? Complete list | UK | New UK News

The Indian variant of the coronavirus is the biggest threat to the latest step in the easing of the lockdown in England, which is currently due to go into effect in less than a month. Eight regions of the country had their opinions modified on Tuesday evening in response to the rise in the rates of the Covid variant, which is proving to be highly transmissible. has compiled a list and maps to reveal the areas where the Indian variant has been detected over the past two weeks.

The Indian Covid variant, B.1.617.2, has prompted the government to update its advice for eight regions of England most affected by the variant.

The amended council calls on residents of the affected areas to minimize travel in and out of the area, sparking outrage as the council was updated ahead of the bank holiday weekend.

They are also asked to meet outdoors and continue to observe the two-meter social distancing advice with anyone outside of their home, where possible.

Affected areas include Bolton, Blackburn, Kirklees, Bedford, Burnley, Leicester, Hounslow and North Tyneside.

The government updated this notice on Tuesday evening.

A spokesperson said ministers wanted to “make it clear that we are not imposing local restrictions” in areas where the new variant is spreading.

The spokesperson added, “Instead, we are providing advice on additional precautions people can take to protect themselves and others in areas where the new variant is prevalent.”

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Many have accused the government of stealth tactics and believe the new council is a way to implement local lockdown measures.

A social media user tweeted: “Who else is excited about the stealth multi-level lockdowns coming up all summer / fall? Full winter lockdown due to backlog of NHS patients and being prepared? “

Another commented: “Stealth lockdown: Hounslow says there are no local lockdowns or additional restrictions as health experts rally against government guidelines. Why is it such a mess? Stop all buses from Hounslow to other boroughs like Kingston Feltham Ashford to stop the spread.

However, not everyone thinks the measures are stealth tactics.

One Twitter user wrote: ‘Advising people not to travel in or out of areas with high transmission rates of the Indian variant is not a’ local stealth lockdown ‘or the imposition of additional restrictions. – it’s just a matter of asking people to use their common sense. . “

NHS Providers chief executive Chris Hopkins has revealed hospital admissions due to the Indian variant are on the rise.

He told Times Radio: “Speaking to a group of CEOs over the past few days in the areas most affected by the variant originating in India, what we are hearing is that hospitalizations are increasing, but they are not increasing. hastily.

“So let’s just give an example, a general manager I spoke to said they had 20 hospitalizations last week, they were 40 this week, they expected 60 hospitalizations this week. next, but it was at a hospital that in January and February was trying to treat 150 COVID patients.

“It gives you that feeling of the fact that the hospitalization rate is going up, but it’s definitely not at the levels we saw in January and February when, as we know, the NHS in some places was under real pressure. “

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This notice was published: 2021-05-26 08:40:15