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Loose Women’s Gloria Hunniford in hot water with viewers in Boris Johnson’s ‘blind’ defense UK News

Loose Women panelist Gloria Hunniford found herself in the hot water of viewers for what they called Boris Johnson’s ‘blind’ defense on Wednesday’s show.

Dominic Cummings’ explosive allegations against the Prime Minister and the government were the main topic of conversation over the lunch hour program, after Johnson’s former aide testified before the health and social care committees and Commons Science and Technology on the government’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

Gloria began by saying that she thought the hearing was “negative” because people were looking to get back to some sort of normalcy rather than going back to old ground, adding that Johnson had “done a lot of things well”.

She then clashed with Loose Women co-star Janet Street-Porter, who told her, “Of course we have to have this Gloria because we have one of the worst death rates in the world, adding : “We’re in the top three and if we had locked down earlier and done things differently, a lot of people today might not mourn their family and friends who died needlessly and that’s why we have to have this. ”

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After colleague Coleen Nolan, host of Ruth Langsford had her say, with Ruth hinting that Cummings’ claims could be the result of “sour grapes,” Gloria defended Johnson, saying: “As a Prime Minister, it is very difficult to represent all those who moan and moan and moan.

“Even to this day, people want to go back to work, so if you find yourself in another lockdown because of the Indian virus, there will be another uproar.

Cowardly women Janet Street Porter and Gloria Hunniford argue over Boris Johnson amid Cummings claims
Cowardly women Janet Street Porter and Gloria Hunniford argue over Boris Johnson amid Cummings claims

“I think Boris, give or take … and I know he made mistakes, I think he did a really good job.”

The fact that she said she thought Johnson had done a “really good job” over the past year made Gloria, 80, instantly unpopular with viewers.

One took to Twitter to explode: ‘I really wanted to start something on TV when Gloria Hunninford spoke about cowardly women today about Boris,’ while another tweeted: “Omg Gloria defending Boris. I’m amazed. She has a problem with this country.”

A third posted: “You should do a poll to ask how many viewers want Gloria Hunniford to leave the show, following her ridiculous comments about Boris doing a good job COVID-19 … thousands have died “, but some sided with Gloria.

A person watching at the house responded: “I agree with Gloria, Boris did a really good job under totally unknown circumstances, a situation this country has never been through before. Janet’s setback is one. wonderful thing and should be bottled. “