UK News

Suspected Extremist Violated Terrorism Prevention Order by Meeting Woman for Dinner and Sex, Court Says | UK News

A suspected extremist admitted to breaking a terrorism prevention order by inviting a woman to his home for dinner.

The man, known only as QT, admitted the violation of the Terrorism Old Bailey Preventive and Investigative Measures (TPIM) Order.

The orders of the TPIM allow authorities to monitor suspected terrorists who have not been convicted of criminal charges.

QT received a TPIM order in 2018 after being acquitted of terrorist offenses.

He was reportedly a member of the banned extremist group al-Muhajiroun, which was co-founded by Anjem Choudary and linked to the Borough Market Attacks 2017 and the murder of rifleman Lee Rigby.

The TPIM order to which QT was subjected required him to tell the Home Office if he met anyone.

Prosecutor Emma Gargitter said QT met a woman near his home while they were both exercising – before handing him a business card with his contact details.

The couple then agreed for the woman to come to QT’s home for a date on November 21, 2020.

The evening “ended with consensual sexual activity,” according to judge Sarah Munro QC.

Describing his actions as a “flagrant violation,” the judge said QT “knows the rules” he broke.

After admitting to breaking the order, QT was given an 18-month community order, including 20 days of rehabilitation and 90 hours of community service.

He was asked to sign an extension of the TPIM ordinance in March 2020 – including a 24 hour marking requirement with curfews – to which QT wrote: “I was born free and I refuse to sign a contract slave. “

The court heard that QT previously admitted seven violations of the ordinance in 2019 for meeting “vulnerable women” for the purpose of “sexual gratification” at her home, as well as another violation for her use of electronic communications.

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He was jailed for 16 months in March 2019 for these violations.

QT’s TPIM concluded in March 2021, …

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This notice was published: 2021-06-02 14:00:00

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