UK News

COVID-19: Almost half of UK adults experiencing pandemic job loss drink more alcohol – survey | UK News

Nearly half of UK adults who lose their jobs drink more than they would have before the pandemic, according to a new survey.

A study by the charity Drinkaware shows that 49% of people made redundant – or about to be – consume more alcohol than before March 2020.

This is a 38% increase since December, according to the poll of 4,000 people carried out between April 27 and April 30.

The numbers could rise next month when the government’s leave plan is cut – before it comes to a full end on September 30.

Nationally, alcohol consumption levels have increased across the board, with people consuming 20% ​​more on average.

Two-thirds (66%) who drink high-risk alcohol levels – more than 34 units per week for women and 50 for men – are drinking more than before the pandemic.

Among parents of children under 18, 33% drink more than usual – against 24% in December – and 10% “much more”.

Drinkaware is calling for alcohol harms to be included in public health strategies, as trends have shown “increased polarization” in drinking patterns by the end of 2020, he said.

Its Director of Evidence and Impact, Annabelle Bonus, added: “Our survey shows that there are marked differences in the consumption habits of certain groups of the UK population, signaling a clear need for targeted action and appropriate support.

“It is concerning that the proportion of adults drinking more since the start of the pandemic increased from December to April and we need to ensure that people who drink more since the lockdown began receive the help and support they have. need if we are to reverse this trend. “

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This notice was published: 2021-06-02 20:56:00

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