UK News

COVID-19: More people are overcoming vaccine hesitation and reserving in their jab, new figures suggest | UK News

Levels of vaccine reluctance are declining among younger age groups, new research shows.

Among men under 45, confidence in the COVID-19 jab increased by 17% – rising to 27% of women under 45.

More adults in this age group are now saying they will also be vaccinated.

Figures from ORB International and the Vaccine Confidence Project suggest 63% would definitely get the jab, with an additional 21% likely to agree.

According to NHS England, there has also been a marked increase in the number of Christians and Muslims who intend to make an appointment.

Vaccination also more than tripled among black British and Asian communities between February and April.

Dr Nikki Kanani, GP who serves as the NHS National Medical Director for Primary Care, said: “Tackling vaccine reluctance has been at the heart of the NHS immunization program, the most important in the world. the story of the NHS, which has so far delivered over 55 doses across England. “

A range of measures have been used to reach people from all communities and backgrounds.

NHS teams have engaged with religious leaders in their local communities, pop-up clinics have been established at sports venues and places of worship, and celebrities such as Lenny Henry and Adil Ray have also supported the countryside.

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Dr Farzana Hussain, GP of The Project Surgery, said: “The increase in the vaccination rate among the various ethnic and religious communities is no coincidence, it is fantastic to see the hard work of colleagues being rewarded. .

She added that “more and more Muslims, as well as other previously hesitant groups, are increasingly convinced that the vaccine is the right decision.”

The UK has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world.

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This notice was published: 2021-06-05 00:51:00

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