
Hove Lawns: arrests after police officer hit by glass bottle Brighton News

THIS shocking image shows an officer’s body cam moments before she was punched in the face by a glass bottle, causing her to pass out.

Police were called last night to report anti-social behavior involving a large group of people on Hove Lawns and Brunswick Square.

The officer and another member of the public were taken to hospital for treatment.

In the midst of the scuffle, the Captor spray was used on the teenagers after a “very large crowd surrounded officers trying to arrest a suspect”.

READ MORE: Arrest after officer assaulted as he dispersed large rally on Hove Lawns

The force said the group had been told “countless times” to back down, but refused to do so, putting officers and the inmate at risk.

Detective Sergeant Chris Lane, of the Brighton and Hove Criminal Investigation Department, said: “A member of the crowd threw a glass bottle at police officers, who hit one directly in the face and knocked her unconscious. As she fell to the ground, her head also hit the police car, and she was unconscious and injured in what was clearly a very dangerous situation.


“Fortunately, her injuries are not serious and she is now resting at home after being released from the hospital.

“The police officer’s body camera images show that the bottle was thrown a considerable distance and could have seriously injured one of the many police officers or the person they were arresting.

“Throwing a bottle indiscriminately into a group of police officers is deplorable and could have caused serious injuries. The individual who threw the bottle has not been apprehended and we are calling for help from the public.

Four arrests were made last night before the force announced that a section 34 dispersal order was in place at Hove Lawns.

This means that anyone ordered by the police to leave the area must do so.

Images widely shared online showed an officer chasing after and tackling a girl to the ground.


Detective Sergeant Lane added: “We are aware of a number of videos circulating on social media, including one which appears to show an officer detaining a young woman who allegedly just damaged a police car. This kind of behavior is totally unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

“Our officers attempted to engage with the group in response to concerns of disturbance and disorder, but a small number of individuals became obstructive and refused to cooperate. At this point, we had to react to prevent the situation from escalating and, ultimately, to ensure everyone’s safety.

“There were a large number of people present who were filming on cell phones and we ask them to provide these images to the police to help with the investigation. Even if the images do not show the individual throwing the bottle, it can still help the investigation.

“The investigation into this matter will be steadfast and we will examine footage of the many officers and the public present every second to identify the person concerned and identify any other offenses committed.

“If you are that person, we urge you to act now, to contact the police and to take responsibility for your actions. ”


Four arrests were made:

  • A 16-year-old girl from Brighton has been arrested on suspicion of criminal damage.
  • A 53-year-old man from Hove has been arrested on suspicion of a brawl.
  • A 26-year-old man from Hove has been arrested on suspicion of assaulting a rescuer.
  • A 15-year-old boy from Brighton has been arrested on suspicion of obstructing police, fighting and breaking a Section 35 order excluding a person from an area.

The four suspects are still in custody at the moment.

If you have any information, you can report it online or call 101, citing serial number 1410 of 06/05.

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This notice was published: 2021-06-06 11:03:31

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