UK News

Colin Pitchfork: First Man Convicted of Murder Based on DNA Evidence May Be Released From Prison, Parole Board Says | UK News

A man who raped and killed two schoolgirls can be released, the parole board has ruled.

Colin Pitchfork, who was the first man convicted of murder based on DNA evidence, was jailed for life in 1988 after strangling Lynda Mann and Dawn Ashworth, 15, in Leicestershire in 1983 and 1986.

A document detailing the decision said: “After considering the circumstances of his offense, the progress made during his detention and the evidence presented at the hearing, the panel was satisfied that Mr. Pitchfork was fit for release.”

The Parole Board panel reviewed more than 1,100 pages of information, victim impact statements, and heard testimony from Pitchfork – who is now in his 60s – as well as his probation officers, police and officials. ‘a psychologist.

Pitchfork was given a minimum sentence of 30 years after being arrested following the world’s first mass DNA screening – where 5,000 men in three villages were asked to provide blood or saliva samples.

He pleaded guilty to two offenses of murder, two of indecent assault and one of conspiracy to deflect the course of justice.

His minimum sentence was reduced by two years in 2009 and he was subsequently denied parole in 2016 and 2018 before being transferred to an open prison three years ago.

According to the panel document, at the time of his offense, Pitchfork thought “a lot about sex”, used “excessive force” and “sex to demonstrate his power and control over women.”

He goes on to say that during his time behind bars he attended several courses and that his “behavior in detention has been positive and has included considerable efforts to help others.”

Pitchfork will be under a number of strict conditions upon release, including having to live at a certain address, participate in lie detector tests, and face particular limitations when it comes to contact with children.

The parole board’s decision is tentative for 21 days until Justice Secretary Robert Buckland decides to approve or appeal …

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This notice was published: 2021-06-07 11:21:00

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