
Mom’s stern warning about ‘vile’ graphic TikTok video shared online Bedford News

Rachel Dawson, who is based in Fareham, Portsmouth, is worried about the graphic images her daughter may have seen easily – and urges other parents to keep tabs on what their children are looking at.

Originally posted on TikTok, the video shows a girl with long dark hair dancing for a few seconds.

He then switches to a very graphic shot that appears to show a girl being beheaded.

“It upset my daughter”

Rachel said her 13-year-old daughter received a link to the video.

She told the Portsmouth News: “When she opened it, she dropped the phone and turned white.

“I asked what was wrong, I watched the video and it was a man chopping off a girl’s head, it’s very graphic.”

The video has been removed from TikTok but is still circulating on other social media platforms.

Rachel added, “I just want parents to know so they can observe their children because this video has upset my daughter.

“I don’t want another child to suffer or be traumatized.

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This notice was published: 2021-06-06 09:29:56

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