UK News

Deadline to opt out of sharing GP medical records is fast approaching, Sheffield doctor warns UK News

The plan would see all GP records of living patients shared with NHS Digital – which provides information and data to health and social service analysts, clinicians and commissioners in England.

Previously, the medical records of general practitioners remained confidential between the patient and the doctor.

The government first released details of the plan on May 12 – the day after the Queen’s Speech, in which no details were mentioned.

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Doctors have expressed concern about the government’s plans to allow sharing of medical records. The photo is for illustrative purposes only. (Photo by Christopher Furlong / Getty Images)

Dr Heather Sowden issued the warning because she fears the public has not been properly briefed on the government’s plan.

Dr Sowden said: “There is no public engagement or awareness on this, but I think people should be aware and be given the opportunity to opt out in time.

“This was proposed in 2013, but was dropped due to public outrage.

“I cannot stress enough how important it is for the public to have a say in what is done with their confidential medical records.

“The principles of trust, informed consent and confidentiality are at the heart of the doctor-patient relationship and in this circumstance the public has neither been informed nor given their consent.

The medConfidential medical privacy action group laid out the government’s intentions to raise awareness.

A spokesperson for the group said: ‘From July 1, 2021 and every day thereafter, the government ordered NHS Digital to recover your GP records and those of your family.

“This includes: data on diagnoses, symptoms, observations, test results, medications, allergies, vaccinations, referrals, reminders and appointments, including physical health information,” mental and sexual; data on gender, ethnicity and sexual orientation; and data on staff who treated patients.

“NHS Digital states that data may be shared from GP medical records for any living patient registered in a GP practice in England at the start of collection – this includes children and adults.

He goes on to say that the data will be shared ‘from July 1, 2021’, although NHS Digital says you only have until June 23, 2021 to opt out – if you haven’t opted out by the time all of your GP history is the first sent to NHS Digital this summer, your information will never be deleted. ”

To opt out, patients must download and print a form before signing it and delivering it to their doctor’s office, where it can be treated. This is the part that must be done before June 23.

You can then opt out of non-generalist data, such as hospital or clinical treatments, from being shared through the NHS website or app.

Dr Sowden criticized the government for making the withdrawal process “as difficult as possible”.

She added: “As if GPs weren’t busy enough! The potential for people to congregate at their GP practices is not a good idea, given that we are in the midst of a pandemic! In addition, not everyone has access to a printer. It’s like trying to make it as difficult as possible for people to opt out.

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This notice was published: 2021-06-08 09:25:38

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