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Oxford University students vote to remove ‘colonial’ portrait of Queen | UK News

A group of Oxford University students voted to remove a portrait of the Queen from its common room.

He allegedly made this decision because some students believe it represents “recent colonial history”.

The president of Magdalen College said the group did not represent the university, but the decision has already been criticized by TV host Piers Morgan and Education Secretary Gavin Williamson – who called it ” absurd”.

Magdalen is one of the most prestigious colleges of the University of Oxford
Magdalen is one of the most prestigious colleges of the University of Oxford

“The middle common room is an organization of graduate students. They do not represent the College, ”tweeted its president, Dinah Rose QC.

“A few years ago, around 2013, they bought a print of a picture of the Queen to decorate their common room.

“They recently voted to withdraw it. These two decisions are theirs, not the College’s.”

She said the college “strongly supports freedom of speech and political debate, as well as the right of the RCM to autonomy”.

“Maybe they will vote to put it back, maybe they won’t. Until then, the photo will be kept safe,” Ms. Rose added.

Political site Guido Fawkes reported that the decision to remove the portrait was passed by a “substantial majority”.

He said he had received the minutes of the committee meeting and the group concluded that “for some students representations of the monarch and the British monarchy represent recent colonial history”.

Students would seek to replace the image with “the art of or other influential and inspiring people”.

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This notice was published: 2021-06-08 20:17:00

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