UK News

COVID-19: Nursing home crisis, WHO ‘regrets’ and Cummings fallout – key moments in Matt Hancock’s evidence | UK News

No lie has been told to the Prime Minister about the COVID nursing home crisis; a “reasonable pessimistic scenario” predicted 820,000 deaths in January 2020; and Downing Street works “better” without Dominic Cummings, said Matt Hancock.

Appearing before MPs, the health secretary defended the government’s treatment of the coronavirus crisis and said he acted with “honesty and integrity” throughout the crisis.

Here are the main topics that were discussed:

The ministers followed the “clinical guidelines” on nursing homes

Sandra meets her daughter Kayleigh indoors for the first time in over a year
Matt Hancock said clinical advice was followed by care homes

The health secretary said the government was following “clinical advice” at all times with regard to nursing homes, where thousands of deaths from COVID have occurred.

This is one of the main claims made by Mr Cummings, who said the health secretary lied about whether untested hospital patients could be referred to care homes.

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“Extraordinary” lack of data on nursing homes

Addressing the allegation in his evidence session, Mr Hancock said: ‘We set a policy that people would be tested when tests were available – then I started building the testing capacity to be able to respond to them. . “

He added that the “strongest route” of the virus in nursing homes was community transmission, noting that estimates suggest 1.6% of transmission in nursing homes came from hospital discharges.

An estimate in January 2020 predicted more than 800,000 deaths

Matt Hancock said an early worst-case estimate was that there would be more than 800,000 deaths in the UK

The Health Secretary revealed that the first calculations on January 31, 2020, based on the Spanish flu pandemic, had suggested there could be 820,000 deaths. Government figures show that the UK has had 127,860 deaths …

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This notice was published: 2021-06-10 11:10:00

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