UK News

Maya Forstater: Woman Who Loses Her Job Over Her Transgender Views Wins Labor Court Appeal | UK News

A woman who lost her job after voicing her opinion that sex cannot be changed and that transgender women are “not women” has won an appeal against an employment tribunal.

In 2018, Maya Forstater posted a number of tweets expressing her beliefs on sex and gender, including her opposition to the proposed gender recognition law reform that would allow trans people to ‘identify’, passing legally of the kind assigned to them at birth without a medical diagnosis.

Her contract with her employer, the think tank Center for Global Development (CGD), was not renewed in 2019 after a number of her colleagues complained, prompting an employment tribunal where she argued that his beliefs should be protected by law.

After the verdict was delivered on Friday morning, she said: “I am delighted to have been vindicated. I lost my job just for expressing a true and important opinion shared by the vast majority of people in this country: sex matters.

“Being a woman is a material reality. It is not a costume or a feeling. Institutions that claim that sex does not matter become hostile places for women, in particular.

“After this judgment, employers and service providers who ignore sex and silence women who oppose it must ask themselves whether they are acting illegally and the significant legal risks they face if they do not change their position. approach.”

However, the judge added in the ruling that: “This judgment does not mean that people with critical gender beliefs can ‘gender-gender’ trans people with impunity.

“The Applicant, like everyone else, will continue to be subject to the prohibitions on discrimination and harassment that apply to everyone.”

Amanda Glassman, Executive Vice President of CGD, said: “The decision is disappointing and surprising as we believe Justice Tayler was correct when he found out that this type of offensive speech causes harm to trans people and therefore could not not be protected under …

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This notice was published: 2021-06-10 09:57:00

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