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The four tests to end the lockdown on June 21 and what the data looks like UK News

There are four tests the government will analyze to decide whether the lockdown will be lifted as scheduled on Monday, June 21.

The final stage of the lockdown exit roadmap is slated to start on Monday, June 21, when the government aims to end all legal limits on social contact.

Places like nightclubs will be able to reopen if the fourth stage of the roadmap continues on June 21, while the size limits for weddings and parties are removed and the general public can return to theaters and venues. concerts.

But Downing Street has yet to formally commit to ending the lockdown on June 21, it will make a decision on the final stage of the lockdown roadmap on Monday, June 14.

The rise of the Delta variant (otherwise known as the Indian variant) is causing concern, leading some advisers calling on the government to delay ending the lockdown until more people have received their two vaccines.

The government said the decision to lift the restrictions would be based on four tests.

The four tests that will decide if the confinement ends on Monday, June 21

Ministers have the final say on ending the lockdown, but four factors will influence the decision.

These are:

  • If vaccine deployment continues successfully
  • If the evidence shows that vaccines reduce hospitalizations and deaths among those vaccinated
  • That infection rates are not at risk of an increase in hospital admissions that would put unsustainable pressure on the NHS
  • The government’s risk assessment has not been fundamentally altered by new variants of concern.

Are we on track to end the lockdown on June 21? How does it look?

Based on these four tests, the latest data offers a mixed picture.

Cases, infections and hospital admissions are all on the rise, although they remain well below the peak of the second wave of the virus; vaccines continue to be effective in reducing the number of deaths; but there is new evidence that the Delta variant of Covid-19, which originated in India, is now responsible for up to 96% of new cases – with a 60% increased risk of home transmission compared to the Alpha variant, originally from Kent last year.

Here’s a detailed look at the latest issues available:

Vaccine deployment

Some 34.3 million first doses of the Covid-19 vaccine have now been delivered to England, equivalent to 77.5% of the adult population.

24.7 million additional second doses have also been given, meaning that 55.8% of people aged 18 and over are likely to be fully immunized.

The government said it was set to offer all people aged 50 and over both doses of the vaccine by June 21, and all adults to be offered their first vaccine. here at the end of July.

However, vaccine uptake varies among different age groups.

The latest available breakdown from NHS England, showing vaccinations through June 6, shows that 91.8% of people aged 80 and over received both doses of the vaccine – suggesting that 8.2%, or about one person out of 12 are not yet fully vaccinated.

It is estimated that 97.4% of 70-79 year olds are fully immunized, as well as 90.8% of 60-69 year olds and 72.5% of 50-59 year olds.

There are also differences in participation among other groups.

It is estimated that only 68.7% of staff in nursing homes for the elderly are fully immunized, compared to 90.5% of residents of such homes.

Some 88.8% of those classified as clinically extremely vulnerable received both doses, although for London the figure is only 79.5%.

And 68.7% of people aged 16 to 64 classified as ‘at risk’ or caregivers received both doses of the vaccine, falling to 66.6% in the North West of England and 58.8% in London.

The figures suggest that there are still certain groups of the population where the level of protection offered by the two doses of the Covid-19 vaccine lags behind the rest of the country.

Hospital cases and death

The deployment of the vaccine has played a major role in reducing the number of Covid-19 hospitalized patients and deaths since the start of the year.

By May 30, 2021, vaccines had prevented an estimated 42,000 hospitalizations and more than 14,000 deaths among the elderly in England, according to the latest estimates from Public Health England.

This includes 11,800 deaths among those aged 80 and over.

However, hospital cases are on the rise again.

A total of 158 hospitalizations of people with Covid-19 in England were reported for June 9, according to NHS England.

That’s up from 101 a week earlier and the highest number since April 12.

The seven-day average of admissions currently stands at 120, the highest since April 21.

The number of Covid-19 patients hospitalized in England stood at 884 at 8 a.m. on June 11.

This is an increase from 805 a week earlier, when the seven-day average currently stands at 856 patients, the highest since May 16.

Two regions are now seeing a sharp increase in the number of patients: the North West of England, where the seven-day average is currently 246, the highest since April 24, and London, where the average is rising. at 253, the …

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This notice was published: 2021-06-12 09:49:21

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