UK News

Brexit news: Britons urge Boris Johnson to “tear up” EU deal as meat trade hits | United Kingdom | New UK News readers were asked yesterday if Mr Johnson should “tear up the EU deal to ensure the meat can be delivered to the UK”. Readers have responded with fury to trade tensions between Britain and Northern Ireland and urged Mr Johnson to act. Next month, the UK faces a ban on the export of chilled meat products, including sausage and hash, to Northern Ireland.

The six-month grace period for unfettered and borderless trade between Britain and Northern Ireland is due to end this month.

The EU has said it will not make any concessions to ensure unhindered distribution of meat products in the UK.

The EU fears products ranging from Britain to Northern Ireland will enter the single market, leading the bloc to insist that products go through strict customs controls.

Former EU Minister and French MEP Nathalie Loiseau also issued a warning to the UK and said: “We are warning (that) you have signed an agreement, you must implement it.

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A reader of the Daily Express commented: “There is more than enough evidence to justify canceling the Withdrawal Agreement and moving to World Trade Organization terms.

“We have to stop inviting EU presidents to attend world events like the G7, they are a quango and have no place there.”

Another reader said, “Just announce that this Withdrawal Agreement is a waste of time with no common sense and no cooperation, and notify it.

“It’s the World Trade Organization.”

Another reader noted that the UK should consider invoking “Article 16”.

Article 16 of the Northern Ireland Protocol may give the EU or the UK unilateral control within their jurisdictions in the event of “serious economic, societal or environmental hardship which may persist, or trade diversion. “.

One reader said: ‘There can be no obstacle to the free movement of people, goods or services between one part of the UK and another.

“If that means invoking Article 16 and submitting our 12-month notice on the ATT, that’s what Johnson needs to do, he’s given the EU more than enough of a chance.”

However, US President Joe Biden has warned the UK not to jeopardize the Good Friday deal by challenging the checks and balances present in the Northern Ireland protocol.

Mr Biden is expected to warn Mr Johnson not to risk the Northern Ireland peace process on Brexit.

President Biden, who has ancestral Irish roots, has always maintained that the Good Friday deal should not be compromised by bickering over trade.

To this, Mr Johnson said: “There is complete harmony on the need to move on, to find solutions and to make sure we stick to the Belfast Good Friday deal.

“And I think what’s interesting is that Northern Ireland is a great place and has incredible potential.

“It’s a big, big part of the UK.”

The poll of 6,858 people ran from 5:39 p.m. on Saturday June 12 to 10:00 a.m. on Sunday June 13.

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This notice was published: 2021-06-13 09:25:22

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