UK News

G7 Summit: President Biden and the First Lady greeted by the Queen as they arrive at Windsor Castle for tea | UK News

US President Joe Biden was greeted by the Queen upon his arrival at Windsor Castle.

The President and First Lady Jill Biden flew by helicopter from Cornwall, following the G7 summit, in Windsor Sunday afternoon for tea with the monarch.

Mr Biden gave a press conference at Newquay Airport before leaving for Berkshire, during which he said the United States had re-established its presence on the world stage after Donald Trump’s tenure.

Mr Biden used his first overseas trip since taking office 120 days ago to connect with the leaders of some of the world’s most powerful countries and to unite closely allies to fight the pandemic of coronavirus and China’s business and labor practices.

“America is back in the business of leading the world alongside nations that share our most deeply held values,” he said.

“I think we have made progress in re-establishing American credibility with our closest friends.”

The president is on an eight-day European trip where he will travel to Brussels to attend a NATO summit and then meet Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva.

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This notice was published: 2021-06-13 14:53:00

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