UK News

Lib Dems hits Tories hard with Chesham and Amersham by-election victory | Politics News

Boris Johnson’s Tories suffered a humiliating by-election defeat as the Lib-Democrats won a historic victory in Chesham and Amersham.

Lib Dem Sarah Green is the country’s most recent MP after winning the seat, which has been a Tory stronghold since its inception in 1974.

The contest was sparked by the death of former Cabinet Minister Dame Cheryl Gillan, who won the seat with a majority of 16,233 in the 2019 general election, or around 55% of the vote.

The mind-blowing result saw Mrs. Green defeat Tory Peter Fleet by a majority of 8,028.

Ms Green said she was “humbled by the trust you have placed in me” and pledged she would hold the government to account.

“This Conservative Party has taken people across the country for granted for too long,” she said.

Liberal Democrat Leader Ed Davey said his party got a whopping 25 point gain to win Chesham and Amersham, saying “The conservative blue wall is starting to crumble.”

He said: “This is a huge victory for the Liberal Democrats. The people of Chesham and Amersham sent shock waves through British politics.

“We were told that it was impossible for a party to beat the Tories here in Buckinghamshire. We were told that this seat was too secure and that the Tories were too strong. This victory of the Lib Dems totally gave them the wrong.

“Across the south, the Conservative Blue Wall is starting to crumble. Here and in large parts of the country, only the Lib Dems can beat the Tories and break through their Blue Wall.

“Sarah Green will be a great local champion for the people of Chesham and Amersham, and the Liberal Democrats will be a strong voice for all those who feel abandoned and taken for granted by this terrible Conservative government.

“This incredible victory will strengthen our fight to protect our precious natural environment and build a more just, greener and more caring country.”

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This notice was published: 2021-06-18 00:51:00

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