
Sussex woman warns others to beware after losing £ 25,000 in investment scam Brighton News

A WOMAN urged others to beware of online scams after being scammed for £ 25,000.

The East Sussex resident, who wished to be known only as Sarah, said it was “traumatic” to lose such a large sum of money.

Sarah had wanted to invest the money and contacted a company that she felt could help after finding their contact details online, and received a compelling flyer that copied the contact details of the real company.

It took a few weeks for the investment to be set up and Sarah was then asked to make the £ 25,000 payment just three hours before the supposed investment offer expired.

Sarah was concerned when she did not receive the login information for her account after transferring the money.

When she tried to contact the company, she discovered that the phone number had been disconnected and the email address was no longer valid and realized that she had been scammed.

Sarah said: “Losing such a large amount of money has been very traumatic. I was well aware of the scams but I was still caught off guard. They were so convincing.

“People should always check the company they are dealing with, as reputable as they seem, and that the staff are who they say they are before paying.

“Always heed banks’ warnings about scams, even though that can mean missing out on what looks like a good deal and being very wary of deadlines.

“Don’t get fooled like I was.”

The East Sussex Trading Standards team is reminding the public to be on their guard during the Scam Awareness Fortnight, which ends June 25.

People are encouraged to be aware of fraud and be wary of investment opportunities that promise high returns, unexpected emails apparently from financial organizations, or text messages or phone calls asking for a quick transfer of money. ‘silver.

Richard Strawson, Head of the East Sussex Trading Standards team, said: “Being the victim of a scam comes at a huge emotional cost as well as a financial cost to the victims.

“Scams can affect anyone, so it’s important to know how to spot one.

“The crooks are more and more sophisticated in their approach, so it is essential that people are on their guard.

“Don’t feel pressured, ask questions and check with someone you trust – if something sounds too good to be true, it is probably a scam.”

If you think you have been the victim of a scam, first contact your bank and then report it to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.

For advice, call the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 0808 223 1133.

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This notice was published: 2021-06-18 12:20:28

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