One topic that has got a lot of people talking is: what happens if I die fat? A video by American funeral director, Caitlin Doughty, has more than 2.6 million views and discusses funeral options for overweight people. Caitlin says that usually overweight people fear that when they die, their bodies will be treated badly. She goes on to say, however, that any corpse will be housed regardless of size or shape and that burial and cremation may be possible for a larger body.
The downside is that the options are normally limited and much more expensive.
A standard across-the-pond casket is 24 to 27 inches wide, but more specialized manufacturers can make caskets as wide as 52 inches.
So this begs the question, what is going on in the UK?
Few years ago, The independent reported that obese Scots had to be buried rather than cremated because their bodies were too large for a standard oven.
At the time, the National Association of Funeral Directors (NAFD) spoke of a growing number of Scots requiring larger coffins of up to one meter wide, too large for many crematoriums.

However, it seems times are changing. Looking at cremation options for tall people, we found that a third of all crematoriums in the UK can accommodate a 40 ” wide casket – the majority of which are built from years ago. 1990.
The largest oven is in East Devon and can hold a casket up to 45 inches wide.
The NAFD said: “Larger deceased people can be both cremated and buried.
“The experience of our members suggests that the average casket widths have increased over the past ten years from around 20-22 inches to 22-24 inches, although creamers are now installed in the UK who can handle caskets up to 41 inches wide.
“Likewise, some funeral authorities now offer larger graves to accommodate these larger coffins. “
That said, it’s not uncommon for families to have to fork out for two plots in a cemetery if their loved one’s coffin is too large for a single standard plot.
Specialized equipment
According to the NAFDA, many funeral homes have made significant investments in specialized equipment that allows them to care for those who are taller while performing a top-notch funeral.
These include automatic “rise and fall” bridges that can be installed in funeral vehicles; larger mortuary refrigerators; bariatric hoists and trolleys; and staff training covering areas such as proper lifting techniques.
NAFDA added: “The main objective is to ensure that all clients – and their families – are cared for with respect and treated with dignity, regardless of their physical characteristics.
“In the experience of our members, almost without exception, affected families are realistic about the different needs of their deceased loved one and what that might mean in terms of their funeral. The choices they make, however, usually depend on the facilities.
“Funeral directors are experienced in handling the various funeral requirements of an obese person with tact and care.
“For example, a tradition in Scotland under normal circumstances (currently not allowed under Covid restrictions) is for family members to lower the coffin into the ground using ropes and tassels on the handles of the coffin.
“However, with a larger casket, this may not be possible, or advisable, and our members therefore speak quietly about the alternatives. Most families choose the casket to be lowered into the ground before the family arrives, either to using a lifting system or by a larger team from the funeral company.
“A funeral service can then still be organized, preserving the dignity of the deceased and sparing the family from distress.”
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This notice was published: 2021-06-19 23:01:00