UK News

Domestic violence: Police urged to act after three quarters of cases do not end with charges | UK News

Police forces must examine why large numbers of domestic cases are being dropped, after victims faced increased risk during the pandemic, according to the police watchdog.

Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Police and Fire and Rescue Services said on average three in four domestic violence cases in England and Wales are closed without any charges being laid.

In the year to March 2020, 54.8% of cases were dropped after the victim failed to support the prosecution of a suspect, although charges can still be laid without the consent of the victim if there is other evidence.

About 20% of cases were unsuccessful due to evidentiary difficulties, including lack of evidence.

Zoe Billingham, Police Inspector, told Sky News: “Often the police are not supervised and checked to see if it is reasonable to close these cases.

“Sometimes officers don’t check with victims that this is what they really want, and too often the police really push back on victims’ decisions that really should be made by the police.

She added: “The police are there to keep the public safe, they have very special powers that no other citizen has and we want the police to better use those powers to protect victims of domestic violence.”

Rachel was seriously injured after her ex-husband shot her
Rachel was seriously injured after her ex-husband shot her

Rachel williams was shot dead by her ex-husband after leaving an abusive marriage that lasted 18 years.

Ms Williams told Sky News there had been “red flags” throughout their relationship, including a “controlling aspect”.

For Rachel, her courage to leave stems from fear.

She said: “For me towards the end and knowing that I couldn’t pay attention anymore and that it was, you know, after he cut his wrist in front of our son, I was just mentally and physically exhausted. .

“For me, the fear of staying with my abuser has grown greater than the fear of …

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This notice was published: 2021-06-22 23:43:00

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