UK News

Fears COVID-19 and influenza will ruin NHS efforts to deal with backlog of patients | UK News

COVID-19 and respiratory illness could cause a ‘perfect storm’ this winter, ruining plans to deal with the backlog of patients needing NHS care.

Some 78% of NHS leaders in England are extremely or moderately concerned about the operational pressures their trust faces this winter, according to a survey by NHS providers.

Concerns include a possible increase in demand for urgent and emergency care, as well as cases of the flu.

Almost nine in ten people said they expected a further increase in COVID-19 cases, which would put additional pressure on health workers.

The COO of a community trust in the South East told NHS providers: ‘I’m afraid we’re having a tough flu season and having a race on the beds.

“This will destabilize the elective recovery (planned treatments) which will be of great concern given the time patients have already waited.”

Health Secretary Matt Hancock has pledged a major flu shot schedule this winter and there are also talk of COVID vaccine boosters, although it has not been revealed which parts of the population will receive these. .

The survey also showed that 73% of those polled were extremely concerned about ongoing work disruptions to clear the backlog of patients.

These patients were mostly postponed during the pandemic due to the need to prioritize those with COVID-19.

Nearly half of those polled said they saw evidence of early staff retirements, COVID-19-related burnout or other effects of work during the pandemic.

NHS Deputy Provider General Saffron Cordery said the trusts’ are fighting on multiple fronts as they attempt to recoup backlogs in care, cope with increased demand for emergency care and treat patients with COVID-19 ”.

“It’s difficult at the best of times but, as we saw last year, it could become even more difficult during the harsh winter months, especially with the hope that …

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This notice was published: 2021-06-23 00:25:00

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