UK News

Wake up: Council officers warn replacing ‘offensive’ street names could cost taxpayers dear | United Kingdom | New UK News

A review was launched across the country after the Black Lives Matter protests, to determine if the street names had links to slavery and colonialism. But changing the names would force residents to change their contact details for their bills, banking and insurance coverage.

Maidenhead City Council officials said the charges accrued for the changes could amount to “several hundred pounds per household and potentially many more,” according to the Telegraph.

Council officers were reviewing the expenses associated with the renaming of “Blackamoor Lane”.

They warned that the local authority, funded by the taxpayer, would likely have to offset the costs imposed on residents to change the names of streets.

Windsor and Maidenhead council officers added that residents and businesses would face a process similar to “moving to a new home or business premises”.

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Cecil Rhodes House houses 72 households and is in the process of becoming Park View House.

The bloc was identified as problematic because Cecil Rhodes was a central figure in the growth of the British Empire.

Camden council has promised to foot the bill for any fees imposed on residents who have to “update their address with organizations or on documents.”

The council said: “The block was named in 1957 by the St Pancras Borough Council, which was the local authority at the time. The original plan was to call it Grangefield and signs were created.

“However, Council made a last-minute decision to call the block Cecil Rhodes House, despite the objections of some Councilors.”

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This notice was published: 2021-06-26 01:04:58

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