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Mercy Muroki’s scathing attack on ‘toxic’ Labor before GB News role | United Kingdom | New UK News

Robert Buckland asked about Bercow Labor Party decision

Before being given a slot on the new GB News channel, Ms Muroki was firmly entrenched in British political discourse and the so-called culture wars. At 25, she is the youngest member of the Government’s Commission for the Race Report. She has also long been a vocal critic of the Labor Party and the left in Britain, accusing the opposition of bowing down to social and cultural trends.

She said the submission invariably led the left and Labor to become “toxic”.

In an article for The Times Redbox, the broadcaster argued that Labor had “for too long supported a systematic campaign of intimidation against ethnic minority conservatives.”

Writing ahead of the 2019 general election which saw the party suffer its worst defeat since 1935, she said: “If you are a voter from an ethnic minority who even cares deeply about politics or race relations, there is has a much more toxic problem that arises. that, if not stopped dead in its tracks, will eventually restore freedom of thought and expression for black Britons – and this is a Labor problem. “

She claimed that the party and its leftist elements made ethnic minority voters feel like they were fighting for the wrong side by voting conservative.

Mercy Muroki: GB News presenter slammed 'toxic' Labor Party

Mercy Muroki: GB News presenter slammed ‘toxic’ Labor Party (Image: Youtube / The Viewer)

GB News: Muroki was announced as part of the new channel's lineup earlier this year

GB News: Muroki was announced as part of the new channel’s lineup earlier this year (Image: GB News)

Ms Muroki continued: “The left has, for too long, supported a systematic campaign of intimidation against conservatives of ethnic minorities.

“The raison d’être of this nasty beast? To define the parameters of black and brown identity and thought, and to make these things a synonym for leftist identity.

“Vote Tory and you are a ‘race traitor,’ a victim of Stockholm Syndrome, an ‘Uncle Tom’ waiting for a Mr. Corbyn in a red cap to steal and free you from your shackles – and unleash your potential for that there is.

“This phenomenon manifests itself in two ways: demonization and delegitimization.

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Jeremy Corbyn: Muroki was writing when Corbyn was still leading the Labor Party

Jeremy Corbyn: Muroki was writing when Corbyn was still leading the Labor Party (Image: GETTY)

“I was once approached by a member of the SWP and told I was a ‘shame’ for being ‘the only black person in the audience’ at an event where a Tory MP was speaking tonight there – a logic surely only someone with the intellect of an amoeba could embrace, and a claim that was downright factually incorrect. “

Kemi Badenoch, a black Tory MP elected in 2017, recalled “an unfortunate incident in which I was slapped in the face by a woman at a charity event who could not accept that someone like me could be black “.

Benjamin Zephaniah, writer and poet, claimed in 2018 that the strangest animal he had ever seen was a “black conservative”.

In response, Ms Muroki said: “Except I don’t understand what’s so strange about a demographic that experiences disproportionately high levels of socio-economic insecurity and exclusion (and is generally socially conservative). , anyway) voting for a party that represents long-term economic stability, is pro-aspiration and pro-social responsibility. “


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Times Redbox: Muroki wrote and appeared in several plays for Times Redbox

Times Redbox: Muroki wrote and appeared in several plays for Times Redbox (Image: Youtube / The Times)

Sajid Javid: Muroki interviews Javid before he becomes health secretary

Sajid Javid: Muroki interviews Javid before he becomes health secretary (Image: GB News)

Ms Muroki is not the only person who believes Labor has alienated and marginalized ethnic minorities.

Writing in the Daily Telegraph, Rakib Ehsan said that “the warriors of leftist culture are pushing the voters of ethnic minorities into the arms of the conservatives”.

As the Labor Party continues to dominate the wider ethnic minority population, Mr Ehsan noted that “there are signs that the Conservatives are chipping away and winning a noticeable number of non-white voters.”

A poll this month found a seven percentage point drop in support for Labor from voters in British ethnic minorities.

Yet the Labor Party still enjoys the support of half of those people.

Keir Starmer: The Labor leader's Brexit policy has turned around over the years

Keir Starmer: The Labor leader’s Brexit policy has turned around over the years (Image: Newspapers Express)

The Conservatives have 28 percent of that population, a much lower figure but up six percentage points over the same period.

Sir Keir Starmer and his deputy Angela Rayner are currently focused on developing ways in which Britain can also recover from the coronavirus pandemic.

This includes equal recovery regardless of gender, race, class or occupation.

Many, like Ms. Muroki, are unlikely to be convinced by the party’s efforts.

Angela Rayner: She, Starmer and other Labor Party members push for equal recovery in pandemic

Angela Rayner: She, Starmer and other Labor Party members push for equal recovery in pandemic (Image: GETTY)

In her Redbox article, she concluded: “Are Labor forgetting who they are dealing with?

“The parliamentarians they are attacking are not agency-less victims who were dragged out of an alley at gunpoint by a pale-skinned villain wearing a monocle and wearing a top hat and thrown into conservative circles screaming and screaming.

“They – having often overcome the adversity of being first and second generation immigrants and also working class – have risen through the ranks to owning businesses, law degrees, doctorates, ranks of our own. British army and have chosen to be conservative.

“Would the Labor Party make you believe that these successes were also achieved by symbolic rather than by merit?” I do not think so. “

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This notice was published: 2021-06-27 09:56:58

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