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Angry man attacked ex-classmate who ‘owed him £ 20’ on busy Sheffield street UK News

Sheffield Crown Court learned on June 28 how Harrison Sargent, 21, of The Dale, Woodseats, Sheffield, jumped out of a Ford Fiesta before approaching a man in the street outside the Deli Express, on London Road , Sheffield, and hit him.

Alexander Menary, prosecuting, said Sargent walked out of the Fiesta in December 2019 and, as he recognized the school’s complainant, yelled at him saying he owed him £ 20 before hitting him in the school. face.

Mr. Menary added that the Complainant suffered lacerations to his lip and eyelid as well as a broken tooth.

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The complainant testified that he had since suffered from anxiety and had difficulty eating and felt nervous when he saw Ford Fiesta cars.

Mr Menary added that the police also found paraphernalia for trafficking in cannabis and drugs, as well as a substantial amount of money and a pen with ammunition during their visit to the home of the accused on March 19. 2021.

Judge Graham Reeds QC told Sargent: “The obvious serious offense and the most serious offense is possession of the prohibited weapon.”

Sargent, who has no previous convictions, pleaded guilty to unlawful bodily harm, possession of a prohibited firearm, possession of Class B cannabis with intent to provide and possession of criminal property under form of money.

Dermot Hughes, defending, said Sargent is a troubled young man who has lost his mother and he has utter remorse for what happened.

He added that Sargent started using cannabis to alleviate his anxieties and one thing sparked another as he sought to fund his drug use and let his problems get out of hand.

Mr Hughes said: “It was by no means a sophisticated offense. He made a terrible mess and he knows it.

Judge Reeds QC sentenced Sargent to five years and six months in prison. He also ordered that £ 750 of the seized money be attributed to the complainant with the rest held by police.

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The public has warned that it could take two years for the impact of 750 new cops to be felt in S.

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This notice was published: 2021-06-29 10:49:08

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