UK News

Boris to abolish vaccine passports for large gatherings – “We have to live with Covid” | United Kingdom | New UK News

According to the Daily Mail, ministers have abandoned the idea of ​​imposing them at mass events, such as music festivals and sporting events. However, organizations will still be able to manage their own programs, if they wish. It comes after Sajid Javid, the new Health Secretary, told ministers the UK will have to ‘learn to live with’ Covid.

Responding to the government’s apparent new plans, Conservative MP Siobhan Baillie told the Daily Mail: “We have to have a vaccine dividend. We need to get back to normal and learn to live with risk. “

The Cabinet previously planned to make proof of vaccination mandatory when attending mass rallies after July 19.

However, with the successful rollout of immunization across the country, these plans were shelved.

84% of the UK population received their first dose of the vaccine and 62% are fully vaccinated against the coronavirus.

Already nearly 2 million under 25 have received their first dose.

READ MORE: Two Very Effective Moderna Covid Jabs Against Delta Variant

As cases of the Delta variant increase, hospitalizations remain relatively low and last week there were 297 ventilated patients with severe symptoms of Covid.

A Downing Street spokesperson told the Daily Mail: ‘The Cabinet has agreed that once we complete the roadmap we can live with Covid in the future – although cases continue to rise – thanks to the protections provided by the vaccine. “

Boris Johnson announced yesterday that he is moving forward with Freedom Day despite the growing number of Delta variant cases.

A government source told the Daily Mail: ‘We have to get used to the idea of ​​treating Covid more like the flu.

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“People have the flu shot, which helps reduce serious illness, but we still get a lot of cases and a lot of deaths.

“When we get to July 19, the cases seem to be potentially very high, maybe as high as 30,000 or 40,000 a day. But that in itself is not a reason not to move forward, to provided that hospitalizations and deaths remain at relatively low levels. “

The announcement follows a new study which suggested that people vaccinated with an mRNA vaccine, Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech, may be protected against the virus for years to come and will not need a booster.

The study found that people who had been infected with the coronavirus and subsequently received an mRNA vaccine could be protected for much longer than expected and possibly even a lifetime.

The government insider, however, said vaccination passports will still be required for travel.

“The work was not in vain. It will be necessary for travel and we will have a system in place that could be used if we need it in the winter, ”they said.

Many European countries have implemented stricter travel restrictions following the increase of the Delta variant in the UK.

As of Wednesday, Malta only allows fully vaccinated visitors and the Portuguese government, which just a month ago welcomed the British with open arms, has put in place tougher restrictions which went into effect on Monday.

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This notice was published: 2021-06-30 00:50:00

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