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COVID-19: How to slow down the coronavirus and stop future pandemics? Experts believe this plan has the answers | UK News

Academics have come up with a plan to keep the coronavirus and future pandemics at bay.

Researchers assessed which public health measures are most likely to prevent future outbreaks of COVID-19[female[feminine and other infectious diseases.

After analyzing data from 118 studies, the experts, led by academics from University College London, came up with a number of essential actions to quickly monitor coronavirus surges and prevent future pandemics.

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According to the study, published in the journal BMJ Open, they found that the best strategies included:

• Efficient border controls, restricted entry and quarantine for inbound travelers

• An effective testing and traceability system to locate positive cases and ensure that infected people comply with isolation rules

• Use of smartphone applications and GPS data for contact tracing

• Early detection of people at high risk such as healthcare workers or residents of nursing homes

• Use of existing laboratories to rapidly expand testing capacity

• Mental, physical and financial support to enable people to stick to infection control measures and self-isolation

• Data linked to health services to enable smooth cooperation between national and local organizations and real-time data sharing

• Regular press conferences to keep the public informed of pandemic progress, policy changes and to correct misinformation

• Understand that quarantine requirements may need to change quickly in response to emerging challenges.

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“We see no reason to go beyond July 19th”

The authors said their findings “could inform countries facing future pandemics.”

It comes as new figures show the number of COVID-19 patients on ventilators in English hospitals has reached its highest level in more than two months.

Cases have been increasing since …

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This notice was published: 2021-06-30 14:16:00

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