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Working-age adults in poorest parts of England ‘more than three times more likely’ to die from Covid UK News

Working-age adults in the poorest parts of England are more than three times more likely to die from the coronavirus than those in the wealthiest parts of the country, research shows.

Health and wealth are “inextricably linked,” the Health Foundation said, with a Covid-19 death rate 3.7 times higher for those under 65 living in the 10% of the most disadvantaged neighborhoods.

The charity analyzed data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and other sources between March 2020 and May 2021.

Read more: Areas with the highest Covid rates

Its nine-month survey found that people in those areas had poorer underlying health, which left them at greater risk when the pandemic struck.

Adults in their 50s and 60s living in the poorest areas were twice as likely to have two or more long-term pre-existing health conditions, such as lung disease or diabetes, according to analysis of care data primary.

The survey found that the way the UK recovered from the 2008 financial crisis had a “direct impact” on the country’s resilience to the pandemic.

With public services ‘eroded’ he said blocking improvements in life expectancy and widening inequality over the next decade will make the UK more vulnerable to the impacts of the pandemic.

Factors such as the type and quality of people’s jobs, housing conditions and access to financial support to isolate themselves have contributed to increased exposure to the virus among some groups, he found. .

Once exposed, people’s pre-existing physical and mental health made them more vulnerable to serious consequences.

Researchers found that male security guards, caregivers and taxi drivers were more likely to die from the coronavirus.

People from ethnic minority communities, young people or people with disabilities, and those with mental health problems in particular, have experienced “worsening and worsening inequalities” that have increased their exposure to the virus and threatened their lives. future health.

But the Health Foundation said these health risks are “far from inevitable” and can be addressed with an equity-focused stimulus package.

Health director Jo Bibby said the shortcomings in the response to the 2008 financial crisis left a “legacy of deep-rooted issues” that made the UK more vulnerable to the pandemic.

She said: “We cannot afford to make the same mistake twice. The government must tackle the root causes of poor health and invest in jobs, housing, education and communities. C t is the only way to create a healthier society that can meet the challenge ahead and better withstand future crises.

“Ministers from across government should work together to put health at the heart of the next upgrade strategy, with clear goals and regular, independent assessment of the nation’s health presented to parliament.”

A poll for the charity in June found that eight in ten people think it is important for the government to address the differences in health outcomes between those living in the richest and poorest areas then. that the country is rebuilding itself after the pandemic.

The Health Foundation calls on the government to prevent “long-term scar effects” by tackling the backlog of health care, increasing support for mental health, protecting family finances, creating jobs and helping people catch up in education and training.

And he wants to see better longer-term resilience, including a proper safety net, better protections for low-paid workers, and more investment in public services to focus on prevention.

Dame Clare Moriarty, Chair of the Covid-19 Impact Survey and Chief Executive Officer of Citizens Advice, said: “The legacy of the pandemic is all around us in terms of unmet health needs, problems mental health, educational gaps, job loss and financial insecurity.

“If we are to prevent these issues from leaving long-term scars on our communities, it is time to make a choice about how we move forward and where we invest.

“This is our chance to close the chapter on the vestiges of the response to the financial crisis and to build back better and fairer.”

A government spokesperson said: ‘Any death is a tragedy and we know that Covid-19 has had a disproportionate impact on certain groups, including people living in deprived areas, which is why Public Health England has carried out a quick review to help improve our understanding of Covid -19 and guide the future public health response.

“There is a range of supports available for those in need, including social assistance, the leave program and the Test and Trace Support Payment Program to help those who are in financial difficulty and cannot work. at home, to isolate oneself.

“The new Office for Health Promotion will lead national efforts to improve the health of the nation by tackling obesity, improving mental health and promoting physical activity and we are offering a vaccine to all adults in England for them. protect and their loved ones from Covid19. “

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This notice was published: 2021-07-05 23:01:00

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