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German woman who cried after Wembley defeat asks for £ 36,000 raised by supporters for charity | World news

A German woman pictured crying at Wembley after her team’s loss to England has asked for the £ 36,000 donated by supporters to go to UNICEF.

The girl was abused online when she was shown in tears in televised footage of the 2-0 defeat at the European Championships.

Former footballer Stan Collymore shared screenshots showing how a minority of Twitter users had insulted her in reference to her nationality and Germany’s Nazi past.

Joel Hughes, from Pontypridd, told Sky News how he set up a JustGiving page with the aim of raising £ 500 to show that “not everyone in the UK is horrible and we care”.

Eight days after the match, more than £ 36,000 was donated by more than 3,200 people.

The girl and her family have been found, according to an update on the fundraising page, and thanked people for their “incredible support.”

A statement provided to JustGiving said: “For the sake of our daughter and our family, we would like to stay private, but we want to thank everyone for your incredible support.

“Our daughter would like to ask that your generous donations go to UNICEF, knowing that your kindness will do good.”

UNICEF is the United Nations agency for children – and JustGiving said that “the legacy of support from thousands of donors is that thousands of children around the world will benefit.”

Mr Hughes said he was “more grateful” to the thousands of people who had shown their support for the girl and that messages had come from the UK and Europe, and from as far away as Japan. .

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This notice was published: 2021-07-07 03:28:00

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