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Covid news: Retiree jailed for playing too hard at Classic FM dies in prison | United Kingdom | New UK News

Ian Trainer, 83, has been locked up twice for breaking a restraining order by turning Classic FM up to an “unbelievable” volume. He was arrested again last year but died in November while being held in Walton Prison, Liverpool.

An inquest into Mr Trainer’s death – which was released this week – found his death was linked to the coronavirus.

The Prisons and Probation Ombudsman (PPO) reported he had underlying health issues.

Mr Trainer was sentenced to 24 weeks in February last year for violating one of the conditions set out in a restraining order given to him months earlier.

The no-communication order forbade him to broadcast “any sound at a volume above the normal conversation level” which is considered to be above 65 decibels, between 9 a.m. and 10 p.m.

This was the second time Mr. Trainer had been jailed for the same offense.

Just three months later, he was detained at Altcourse after being charged with threatening behavior and breaking a restraining order.

After a court appearance in November, he was taken to Liverpool prison and a health check found no problems.

A week later, he said he was not feeling well with potential symptoms of Covid and was placed in isolation before a test confirmed he had the virus.

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They added: “In response to the apparent symptoms of COVID-19, Mr. Trainer was immediately tested and isolated.

“When his condition deteriorated, he was admitted to the inpatient unit to allow better monitoring of his condition and the health staff quickly referred him to secondary care when he felt he was needed further evaluation or additional treatment.

“Operational staff have been instructed to allow nurses full access to Mr. Trainer and to perform visual and well-being checks at the start of each shift and each transfer.

“All staff wore full PPE, including apron, mask and gloves.

“Mr Trainer has been screened by a GP 15 times during his short stay in Liverpool.”

He was reportedly tested negative at Altcourse five days before his transfer, so it is not known where he contracted the disease.

The report concludes: “The investigation revealed that Liverpool had complied with the national policy of regrouping and compartmentalization by creating local plans covering all areas of the regime.

“Prison directors have assigned dedicated reverse cohort and protection units; implemented social distancing; and staff used PPE in accordance with national requirements.

“We are confident that the staff took all appropriate steps to help protect Mr. Trainer from infection, responded to signs of his deteriorating condition and provided high quality care when he fell ill. . “

To date, more than 120,000 people in the UK have died after contracting coronavirus.

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This notice was published: 2021-07-09 19:32:24

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