
Hospital ER experience is the busiest month in history, as patients struggle to get a GP appointment Yorkshire News

The number of patients going to the ER at Pinderfields Hospital in Wakefield and Dewsbury Hospital has risen to unprecedented levels, it was said at a public meeting Thursday.

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The trust reported record levels of A&E assistance during May and June.

But assistance in recent weeks has broken new ground, and hospitals in other parts of the region are struggling to cope as well.

Speaking at a board meeting, Chief Operating Officer Trudie Davies said: “The key area of ​​pressure is emergency care.

“The attendance rate has been significant. We had the highest attendance in Mid Yorkshire history in May and June.

“The pressure on the organization is really very significant.

Dewsbury Hospital is also run by the trust.

“That pressure is felt in all of our neighboring trusts.”

Ms. Davies said the high number of hospitalized patients meant it was “very difficult” to maintain social distancing in the ER.

She added: “Many patients are attending with (less serious) needs.

“They have difficulty accessing primary care appointments.

“Our colleagues in primary care are working very hard. This is not a reflection of the work they are doing, but the demand on the system is high.”

Health professionals believe the current problems stem from the lockdown, where hospitals were flooded with Covid cases and the government recommended patients with less urgent needs to stay away.

The board meeting also reported that non-emergency surgery had also been affected at Pinderfields Hospital, due to a shortage of operating room personnel.

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This notice was published: 2021-07-09 11:31:55

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