UK News

Sarah Everard: calls for an investigation into how Wayne Couzens remained a police officer after incidents of indecent exposure | UK News

Police are under pressure to investigate how Sarah Everard’s killer was allowed to remain an officer despite three allegations of indecent exposure against him.

Wayne Couzens, 48, pleaded guilty to murder Mrs. Everard, 33, at the Old Bailey on Friday.

The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) later revealed that 12 Metropolitan Police officers are under investigation regarding the Everard case.

But the Met and Kent Police are under increasing pressure to reveal how Couzens, who previously admitted to kidnapping and raping, was not questioned further on three separate complaints of indecent exposure that date back to 2015.

The IOPC is investigating the Kent force into the 2015 incident, while two officers are questioned about two similar incidents in London in February of this year.

Wayne Couzens
Couzens pleaded guilty to murder, rape and kidnapping

Ms Everard, whose death sparked widespread protests against women’s safety, was abducted as she returned home in the south of the capital on the night of March 3.

His body was found near land belonging to Couzens in Kent a week later

Harriet Wistrich, director of the Center for Women’s Justice, wants a full public inquiry into “police misconduct and misconduct” around the Ms. Everard case.

“As the protesters have made clear, women do not feel safe and it is incumbent on the government and all criminal justice agencies to now take action against the epidemic of male violence which is the other crisis of public health of our time, ”she said.

Sarah everard
Ms Everard, 33, was walking home when she was abducted

Shadow Home Secretary Nick Thomas Symonds is also urging the Met to review its verification process.

The Labor MP said: “It is absolutely vital that everything is done so that this never happens again.

“The Metropolitan Police and the police services at large need to look at the verification processes and their own protection systems to…

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This notice was published: 2021-07-10 00:37:00

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