
Argus gives police evidence of Brighton West Street violence Brighton News

IT IS well documented that when England loses in tournaments there is an increase in domestic violence.

On Sunday night, after the Euro 2020 final between England and Italy, we were showing a live video feed from West Street in Brighton for our Facebook page.

Fans had gathered in droves and some were fighting in the streets.

Then, shockingly, one of our reporters saw a woman being assaulted by a man. She was slapped and verbally assaulted.

This horrified our reporter, but they continued to do their job of filming the incident. It is our duty to testify and it was not clear if the situation would escalate. There were other people nearby.

Understandably, our footage elicited a strong reaction from our readers who discussed whether the reporter should have stepped in and / or stopped filming.

We tell our journalists that they must never put themselves in danger. If someone is hostile, they should not put themselves in danger.

The video continued as it was a quick and unpredictable situation. Our reporter was collecting vital evidence of a crime.

Our reporter alerted a policeman and told him what had happened and indicated who was involved.

We removed the footage from our Facebook page for the sake of the assaulted woman and then reported the incident again through 101.

We have of course provided the images to the police and are happy to assist them with any investigation.

We documented the incident and reported it. There were many more violent incidents in this area on Sunday night and it is not the journalist’s job to get involved in any of them.

Our journalists put themselves in all kinds of situations to expose crime and wrongdoing and bring to light every dark corner of society.

This is their job.

We have provided reports, videos and photographs of the scene so that hopefully scenes as distressing as this will not be repeated.

Violence against this woman has no place in a civilized society. We will speak to the police to find out what further action is being taken.

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This notice was published: 2021-07-12 10:57:08

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