UK News

New Sugar and Salt Tax May Be Introduced in England As Part of Government’s National Food Strategy | UK News

The world’s first salt and sugar reformulation tax could be added to foods sold in shops, cafes and canteens in England as part of a new national food strategy.

Government-commissioned study says a tax of £ 3 per kg on sugar and a tax of £ 6 per kg on salt sold for use in processed foods or in restaurants and catering businesses would encourage manufacturers reformulate their recipes or reduce the size of their portions.

He says the food we eat and the way it is produced is hurting the health of the nation and “causing terrible damage to the planet,” and we need to implement major changes.

Taxes on salt and sugar, which the review says are expected to be introduced before the end of the decade, could add 1 pence to the price of a packet of crisps and 7.5 pence to a small bar of chocolate.

He says the tax would reduce the amount of salt and sugar used by the food industry, and any money raised should be spent to give free school meals to an additional 1.1 million children per day, fund holiday activities. and food clubs, and support healthier diets for those in the most disadvantaged communities.

It also highlights the health issues and the cost to the economy of poor nutrition, and says more should be done to help disadvantaged families eat healthy foods.

Andrew Burton, the owner of Mannion & Co Café in York is not convinced the idea will work.

“We’ve looked at everything we’re doing, we’ve cut down on salt, we’ve cut down on sugar, but only so far can you go before someone says’ This is bland, can we? -we have the salt, can we have the sugar, “and they just put it on their own,” he said.

The report warns that the amount of meat we eat must be reduced by 30% in a decade to free up land for carbon storage and nature conservation.

He is also urging the government to invest £ 50million in developing alternative proteins that can be used as sustainable options in ready meals, such as lab-grown meat or plant-based foods, which could create …

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This notice was published: 2021-07-14 19:27:00

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