
BMW is testing an electric vehicle charging system on the grid with the i3 fleet Car News

BMW customers are testing two-way charging of electric vehicles as part of a three-year project, allowing drivers to charge their cars normally, with the added benefit of feeding energy back into the power grid when needed.

A group of 20 customers in Germany have received BMW i3 electric cars equipped with the new technology, with another 30 expected to be delivered to business users in the coming weeks.

“During periods of particularly high demand for electricity, these vehicles are able to supply the grid with additional electricity, while their high-voltage batteries are mainly charged when electricity from renewable sources is available or when overall demand is higher. low, ”said BMW.

“The stored energy can, in turn, be deployed exactly when needed, whether for electric driving or to increase the capacity of the power grid. “

The pilot project aims to develop technological solutions to make electric mobility easier and cheaper for users, with lower emissions.

BMW hopes to turn electric cars into “mobile energy storage devices” capable of supplying electricity to the grid when needed.

“By taking a holistic approach, the project aims to interconnect vehicles, charging infrastructure and power grids for the first time in a way that facilitates the use of renewable energy – and at the same time increases the reliability of the power supply, ”the company said.

Participants in the pilot project will also benefit from a new technology package. This is a new onboard and backbone technology developed by BMW; a smart charging station from Kostal; and networking for the interconnection of the electric car, wall box and electrical installation in the customer’s building with the power grid of the energy companies Bayernwerk, KEO and Tennet.

BMW says the program is necessary because of the growing need to control energy flows and consumption as the number of electric vehicles increases.

Other companies are also investing in vehicle-network technology, including Audi, Fiat, Nissan and Renault.


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This notice was published: 2021-07-16 12:57:21

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