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COVID-19: Vaccine passports for pubs? Minister does not explicitly rule out a move | Politics News

A minister did not explicitly rule out the possibility of the government requiring vaccine passports for people to go to pubs.

Business Secretary Paul Scully told Kay Burley that ministers are “not saying crowded pubs at all” as part of plans to force people to prove their worth. COVID-19[female[feminine vaccination status enter nightclubs and other “crowded places” from the end of September.

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But in the same response, he went on to say that “we are not excluding anything”, before adding: “We are talking about nightclubs and also more important events”.

When told that some pubs can be as crowded as nightclubs, Mr Scully said the government needed to “work on defining” “crowded places” that will be covered by vaccine passports.

He said: “We have to define it very carefully and we will do it in the months to come until we get there.”

Asked about the prospect of vaccine passports for pubs at a press conference in Downing Street on Monday, Boris Johnson said he did not want a situation where people would be asked to ‘produce papers’ to enter. ads, but did not rule it out.

The Prime Minister said “I certainly don’t want to see passports for pubs” but in overcrowded closed places with close contact “we reserve to make a right to do whatever is necessary to protect the public”.

Mr Scully added that “a number” of sports venues are already considering requiring vaccine passports for entry.

Sir Patrick Vallance, the government’s chief scientific adviser, told Monday’s press conference that nightclubs could be “potential mass-market events”.

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This notice was published: 2021-07-20 06:40:00

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