
BREAK: The bus crashes into the front of the store and loses Wetherby Whaler’s fish and chip shop by inches. Yorkshire News

A bus struck the front of the Youngs of Wetherby store with fire crews currently on the scene assessing the damage. Photo Credit: Photo Submitted

A bus struck the store front of a row of businesses in West Yorkshire, including Youngs of Wetherby, where fire crews are currently reviewing structural damage.

An eyewitness (who declined to be identified) said: “It happened quickly. A car was turning and the bus was starting up. There was a collision and the bus collided with another car and appeared to cross into the shop.”

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The accident is currently causing a disturbance to travel currently in Wetherby.

Crowds gather after the bus hit the front of the Youngs of Wetherby store with fire crews currently on the scene assessing the damage. Photo Credit: Photo Submitted

The X99 bus service cannot use the bus station, in Siby, and uses High Street instead. Because of this, the services are unable to serve Linton.

West Yorkshire Police have been contacted for a response.

A bus struck the front of the store of the business called Youngs of Wetherby, where fire crews are currently reviewing structural damage. Photo credit: Simon Dewhurst.

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The accident is currently causing a disturbance to travel currently in Wetherby. Photo credit: Simon Dewhurst

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This notice was published: 2021-07-27 19:43:26

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