UK News

The Complete List of Companies Ready to Give Giveaways and Discounts to Young People Who Get Bitten – From Uber to Vue UK News

Deliveroo is a business offering discounts. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Young people in the UK will be offered discounts and freebies to encourage them to get the coronavirus vaccine, amid fears of lower consumption.

Services like Uber and Deliveroo will offer discounts to young people who subscribe to their vaccine offerings.

Full details of all the incentives – including their start date and age range for which they will be available – have not yet been released, but this is a full list of services that are expected to make offers.

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In addition to offering discounts on Uber Eats, the rideshare service will offer discounted trips to young adults who receive a vaccine.

The Department of Health and Social Affairs (DHSC) said Uber would start sending vaccination reminders to all app users in August.

Jamie Heywood of Uber said: “We are proud to be working with the government on this important campaign to encourage everyone to get their jab.”

Bolt is another taxi app offering ‘free ride credit’ to vaccination centers, which means young people won’t have to pay to travel for their Covid vaccine.

This follows an earlier company-run program offering free trips to vaccination centers.

A Bolt spokesperson said: “Bolt is delighted to support this campaign. Get a Bolt, Take a Jab, Live.

Food delivery service Deliveroo is said to be in talks with the government to offer incentives for Brits who get the jab, including takeaway discounts.

Meals will also be delivered free of charge to staff at vaccination centers.

A spokesperson for Deliveroo said: ‘We want to do our little bit to support the NHS during the pandemic, including providing 1 million free meals to NHS frontline staff and vaccination centers.

“This is the next step in helping people get vaccinated and get back to normalcy safely.”

Pizza Pilgrims reportedly plans to convert two of its sites into pop-up vaccination centers and said it will offer free pizza slices to people who receive the vaccine.

Thom Elliot, Founder of Pizza Pilgrims, said: “We are delighted to do our part to get all adults in the UK vaccinated against COVID-19.

“By making your jab as easy as grabbing a pizza, we hope we can help our teams and customers get their first and second doses as easily and quickly as possible. Watch this space for more details.

Vue is in talks to offer movie discounts to people who get vaccinated, according to reports in the Sunday Times.

This has yet to be confirmed by the government, and more details have yet to be revealed.

According to the same reports, McDonald’s could also offer discounts to vaccinated Britons.

The fast food chain has also launched a campaign in the United States to encourage vaccination.

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This notice was published: 2021-08-02 17:59:18

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