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The creation of a pond by the Sheffield environmental company is a big boost for newt populations UK News

The work undertaken by Sheffield-based environmental consultancy Wildscapes CIC for Natural England is helping to protect crested newts.

This new program for South Yorkshire means that where a proposed development is likely to impact newt habitat, developers now have the option of a faster and simpler alternative to traditional action than they should have taken to get the green light for plans.

Wildscapes CIC says that during the 20th century half of the UK’s ponds were lost, mainly due to land use change away from mixed farming, and the remaining ponds are considered to be in poor condition , which has been identified as the key factor in the decline of crested newt populations. Their work aims to ensure the long-term protection of this species and its habitat.

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A DUC Wildscapes Pond in Woodhouse Washlands, Sheffield

The council aims to create new ponds in the most suitable places for newts to thrive. This is done by consulting Natural England, local knowledge and records of where newts have been found.

Ponds are built near known newt populations and ideally between several different ones to promote reproduction.

All of these ponds have been maintained and monitored by Wildscapes CIC in South Yorkshire for 25 years.

Conservation Contracts Manager Steven Greenwood said: “We are delighted that the program is off to a good start in South Yorkshire and that there is a need for more ponds so soon, following the lots we have created in over the past two years.

“We have received great interest from landowners in the area offering their lands to support the creation of habitat for the crested newt and from those looking to play their part in the preservation of this protected species. “

Fully funded by Natural England, landowners are not asked to contribute financially to the creation or restoration of the pond or to a suitable fencing for livestock if needed, but simply to take a few basic steps to protect the quality. of the pond habitat.

The need for suitable land will be ongoing and interested parties are encouraged to contact Wildscapes CIC to discuss potential sites for consideration.

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This notice was published: 2021-08-09 12:55:59

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