UK News

Priti Patel says France must do more to stop the Channel crossings – “Step up efforts! “| United Kingdom | New UK News

The Home Secretary wants France to go “beyond” the funding provided by the United Kingdom to tackle the problem.

A government source told The Times: “The UK and France must do everything in their power to reverse the appalling increase in small craft.

“We are acting quickly here at home, with our new immigration plan and the border bill reducing the pull factors, but it is important that France redoubles its efforts to prevent these dangerous crossings.”

Last month, the UK pledged to provide an additional £ 54million for French border controls.

The additional funding is expected to prevent further crossings in a year that has seen a record number of small boat crossings.

More than 11,000 migrants have attempted the dangerous crossing this year.

A record 592 people attempted to make the crossing in a single day last Thursday.

The British border force expects the total number of crossing attempts this year to exceed 22,000, nearly three times more than last year.

READ MORE: ‘No rules in the EU’ Nigel Farage rants amid record number of migrants

” They go [migrants] come here for less pay, work in worse conditions and Priti Patel talks about restricting migration to fight all the worst crimes and human trafficking is rubbish.

He added: “In fact, what it does by pushing this migration underground is bolstering organized crime and human trafficking.

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This notice was published: 2021-08-16 03:02:23

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