
Why millions of people struggle with DIY, changing outlets, and understanding their washing machine settings Bedford News

A study of 2,000 adults found that two in five feel that beyond plugging something into an outlet, they have no idea how electricity works.

More than one in three (36%) have no idea how a car engine works, and almost a quarter are confused by simple scientific concepts such as condensation or evaporation.

In fact, almost half of adults believe that the shortcomings they have in adulthood are directly related to not paying enough attention during their school days.

About one in ten people even think they would do a better job of lowering their energy bill if their basic science knowledge was better.

A spokesperson for energy company Utilita, which commissioned the research as part of its Energy High 5 energy efficiency education program, said: “A little knowledge can go a long way.

“Some school subjects, especially in a subject like science, may never seem to affect your daily life as you get older.

“But knowing how fuel is turned into energy to power your car, or how electricity circulates in your home, could make you think about its use – and end up saving you money.”

Easier life

The study also found that 42% of adults think their lives would be easier in many ways if they knew more about science.

Other areas of modern life that their scientific understanding lets them down include cooking, keeping plants alive, and even understanding their washing machine settings.

Almost a quarter (22%) admit not paying as much attention to science lessons in school as they could have.

As a result, 53% have “no idea” of what’s going on inside their home’s all-important fuse box, and if there was an electrical problem in the house, 18% would feel ” petrified ”.

School children would know more

A third of those surveyed via OnePoll would go so far as to admit that today’s schoolchildren know more about basic science theories than they do.

Of those surveyed with children, 48% promised to do more to make sure their own children pay attention to science lessons, because of its importance later in life.

Knowing more about how energy works in the home wouldn’t just help financially, as nearly half (47%) believe that being more science-savvy would help them adopt a greener lifestyle.

The Utilita spokesperson added: “We have developed our Smart Score technology to help consumers use up to 20% less energy. the same time.

“A lot of what’s involved is common sense, like not leaving items on standby, but as this study shows, knowing the science also helps reduce energy use.

“The other good news is that it’s never too late to improve your scientific knowledge and its applications in modern life – to help reduce energy consumption. “


1. Treat everything electrical

2. Wiring a socket

3. DIY / decoration

4. Keep the plants alive

5. Swimming

6. Cooking

7. Sleep well

8. Drive a car

9. Understand the washing machine settings

10. Maintain a healthy diet

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This notice was published: 2021-08-19 13:18:02

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