UK News

GB News triumph: Group behind boycott of GB News ads accused of “breaking company laws” | United Kingdom | New UK News

GB News has faced several challenges since its launch, including an advertising boycott, audience issues and the outrage of a newscaster who kneels down. But now the TV station is likely to celebrate a victory after the campaign group working against the channel was accused by lawmakers of allegedly breaking company laws.

GB News frontman Andrew Neil returned to the channel this week after announcing a hiatus in June.

The broadcaster launched a scathing attack on Joe Biden and his decision to withdraw his troops from Afghanistan.

The US president continued to defend his decision to withdraw US forces from the country, but Mr. Neil criticized the decision.

Mr Neil called the actions “shameful” during a discussion with Nigel Farage.

The GB News chairman said, “Joe Biden didn’t have to go on with this, Joe Biden didn’t have to see this deal come to fruition.

“He could have changed it. I think he was involved in politics.

“He sees the midterm elections approaching, he could lose the Senate, he could lose the House.

“It tends to happen in early midterm elections, and he wants to be able to say, ‘Hey, I got us out of Afghanistan.

READ MORE: Taliban ‘holds Biden hostage’ as Andrew Neil attacks America

Mr. Neil was keen to stress the importance of the channel, despite criticism from many people, including the Stop Funding Hate group.

In response to reports of advertisers removing their ads from the channel, he tweeted, “How many other channels have you watched before deciding to advertise? I will be looking at the brands to decide if they are suitable for advertising. advertising with us.

Speaking about his abrupt hiatus, Mr Neil said, “Yes, we had a bit of a rough start when launching GB News.

“We are a start-up. These start-ups are always a bit rocky, but we are up and running as you can see.

“We are getting better every day and there is clearly an appetite for what we are doing.

“In two short weeks, we have already built a loyal following, which has exceeded all of our expectations.”

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In the letter to Mr Kwarteng, Tory backbench MPs, led by Brendan Clarke Smith, argued that the group had exploited the prestige offered by its CIC status.

Mr Smith said: “We are concerned that since 2017, the Stop Funding Hate campaign group has exploited the prestige conferred by CIC status and CIC’s privileged access to numerous taxpayer money grants. , for overtly political ends. “

The letter added: “As it continued to create a culture of cancellation and pressure brands to boycott the media, we think it is important to reassess whether Stop Funding Hate is the type of organization that represents the best of the UK charitable sector. “

He continued: “While it is not clear to us, nor to our constituents … who an attack on media plurality is meant to serve, what we are certain is that its tactics current policies are contrary to the spirit and letter of CIC’s Political Activities Law.

“Rather than defending a group’s interests in society, Stop Funding Hate does the exact opposite of what CICs are allowed to do.

“He proactively advocates against one group in society, namely the hundreds of thousands of people who listen to GB News every day, and the 60% of the population who don’t want brands to engage in a culture of cancellation of boycott of television channels. “

The official guidelines allow a CIC to “engage in political activities if its engagement can reasonably be regarded as incidental to activities which a reasonable person might consider to be carried out for the benefit of the community and which are not themselves. incidental to political activities. “

For example, this might mean that a CIC that uses a community center for local activities may be able to lobby local government officials to improve the facilities available in the building.

A spokesperson for the Department of Business told the Telegraph: “We expect all community service companies to act in accordance with their legal obligations, and it is clear that they should not be formed for political purposes. or have political activities among their main objectives. .

“Decisions as to whether a business meets the criteria to become – and continue to be – a community interest business rests with the independent regulator who can investigate complaints and take action if necessary. “

Stop Funding Hate has been approached for comment.

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This notice was published: 2021-08-22 13:19:00

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