UK News

A woman discovered she was pregnant four hours before giving birth: “I thought I was bloated! “| United Kingdom | New UK News

Lorna Goodings, 25, believed she was “just bloated” after doctors made her belly swollen from the effects of birth control. She even had a negative pregnancy test the day she gave birth, when she was 38 weeks old.

Lorna didn’t find out she was pregnant and in labor until she had to leave a party because she was in so much pain.

Her friends rushed her to hospital and just four hours later she gave birth to her baby girl, Daphne Burdiak, weighing 8 pounds 2 ounces, at Northampton General Hospital on August 1.

Lorna, from Buckinghamshire, said: “I had felt bad for months and was constantly bloated, but was convinced I was not pregnant.

“I even saw my GP and she didn’t think I was. I didn’t have a period, but I haven’t had any since I put the implant. I also took a lot of weight, but I knew it was a side effect of birth control, so I didn’t think about it. “

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Nick was unable to attend the delivery because he was in the evening with his friends. Lorna continued, “Nick was an hour away and drunk with his friends when this was all going on, so I didn’t tell him until I gave birth. He was very shocked and devastated that he couldn’t be there. “

Nick didn’t meet Daphne until she was two days old. He said: “It was a huge shock and something neither of us ever thought could happen, especially since we were careful.

“Fortunately, she is healthy and beautiful, but things could have been much worse. We are very grateful.”

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This notice was published: 2021-08-25 14:12:36

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