Bath City

The grief of a family after the death of a cat in the back of the Somerset pub trash can for three days Bath City News

A close friend of a family whose dead cat was found at the bottom of a 1,100-liter wheelie bin criticized pub managers for putting the animal there.

Worried family friend Street described the incident as “absolutely traumatic” after the owners of 18-year-old cat Suki returned from vacation to find that she had been seen dead near the Bear Inn pub in the village.

A family friend who had watched their cats while they were away noticed that Suki was missing and when she still had not been seen when they returned, the family began distributing missing posters in the village.

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The friend said the cat’s owner then went to the pub to find Suki last Friday (August 20), only to be told “casually” that she was “inside a Biffa bag” in a large wheelie bin.

Despite being microchipped and wearing a cat collar ID cannon, the friend said Suki’s owner was forced to “hang out in the trash” to find her remains at the bottom, where she had been there for three days.

The friend said: “[The pub manager] claimed that the dead cat was painful for people to see so they needed to take care of it and said they checked social media posts regarding the missing cats.

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The friend noted that the mental image of Suki in the trash “will never leave” the owner and that he was treated as a “huge inconvenience” by the pub manager, who was “more worried about whether the bags removed went to general recycling or mixed recycling or general waste ”.

The family friend said the way the Bear Inn handled the incident immediately after was “absolutely devilish”.

Suki’s owner’s alleged friend was asked “What do you do when you find a rat?” You wrap them up and put them out.

They said, “People are rightly enraged by this because it has been handled so terribly. If they had taken five seconds, they would have seen that all of her details were there.

Suki had an enlarged liver which caused her perpetual appetite towards the end of her life, the friend noting that she looked “sloppy”.

The friend said: “I think she could have been mistaken for a cat that was not in great shape, but at the end of the day she was overwhelmed with love and he was just a cute one. cat.”

The Bear Inn is owned by Marston’s, who have since contacted Suki’s owner and agreed to pay the costs of her cremation.

A spokesperson for Marston, on behalf of the Bear Inn, said: “We have been made aware of the incident at the Bear.

“We are deeply saddened to hear how this was handled in the pub and we will do it internally.

“We have since been in direct contact with the owner of the cat to try and help rectify this for them and their family.”

The family friend said Suki’s owners were happy they at least found her to give her a “good start”.

They said, “I think this is one of those things where in a few months everyone but us will have forgotten about it.

“The people who said they boycott the Bear Inn now will probably end up there in six months.

“Covering the cost of cremation is neither here nor there. He doesn’t even begin to rectify anything.

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This notice was published: 2021-08-25 14:20:11

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