
Brighton seafront waste heavier than the Statue of Liberty Brighton News

VISITORS and residents paying for a trip to Brighton’s seafront have left behind a colossal amount of trash, City Council has revealed.

Over the summer, street cleaners picked up a mountain of garbage weighing over 300 tonnes (300,000 kilograms).

But what does this amount of waste actually compare in terms of scale?

Here is a list of five different things that Brighton’s garbage piles are equivalent to.

25 double-decker buses

The double-decker bus is a running sight through Brighton and Hove, taking visitors and residents to and from the town and the seafront.

An average bus weighs around 12,000 kg, so it would take a fleet of 25 to match the weight of the garbage found this summer on the waterfront.

50 African bush elephants

Less common on the streets of Brighton is the African bush elephant – the heaviest land mammal in the world.

A male of one of these endangered animals weighs around 6,000 kg, so it would take 50 male elephants to balance the scales with the litter collected on Brighton seafront this summer.

Every day it consumes 230 kilograms of vegetation, which means the weight of Brighton’s waste in grass, foliage and fruit could feed an African bush elephant for over three and a half years.

Statue of Liberty

A monument of New York and the United States as a whole, the Statue of Liberty was given as a gift from France and was completed in 1886.

The total statue weighs just over 204,000 kg, meaning that a full-scale replica could be built from the waste from Brighton and there would still be waste to be saved.

An Airbus A380

Many people were able to go abroad for their summer vacation this year, taking flights in planes like the Airbus A380, used by airlines like British Airways and Emirates.

Empty, an A380 can weigh 277 tonnes, so Brighton’s waste is heavier than this colossal plane while waiting to be refueled and boarding passengers and their luggage.

20,000,000 empty cans

Beverage cans are unfortunately commonplace for beach cleaners.

Once the drink inside has been drunk, an empty 330ml beverage can weighs only 15 grams.

To balance the scales with the monumental amount of garbage found on the waterfront, around 20 million cans would be needed.

To put this in more context, if you put all the cans against each other, you could create a line of cans stretching from Brighton to Edinburgh and back … and still have over 1.7 million cans to resell.

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This notice was published: 2021-08-26 04:00:00

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