UK News

James Dyson presents plan to rebuild Britain from Brexit amid fears that ‘China is overtaking us’ | United Kingdom | New UK News

The British inventor described his plan to save British innovation and tackle current cultural mores that could stifle it. Mr Dyson fears Asian economies will take over the UK as centers of design and excellence. He explained that in Singapore, 40 percent of graduates are engineers.

He said that’s not the case in Britain, where the figure is four percent.

The Sunday Times reported that Mr Dyson said: “If you visit a UK university you see 400 media studies students pass out and only 30 engineers.”

He added, “I’m afraid that China, Korea and other countries will overtake us, if they haven’t already.

“Even the Philippines and Mexico produce more engineers than we do.

“The technology is much more difficult to develop now, much more complex.

“When I started we were a group of mechanical engineers.

“Now, over 50% of our engineers are software or electronics specialists.

“There are also experts in fluid and battery dynamics and other scientists.

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“I find it very exciting and quite romantic actually, but no one else does.

“I’ve been to parties where people say, what are you doing? I say, well, I’m an engineer and I make things.

“They move away.

“It’s disappointing.”

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This notice was published: 2021-08-29 14:26:59

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