Bath City

Alcohol consumption on the streets could be banned again in Bath and Midsomer Norton Bath City News

Alcohol consumption on the streets could be banned again in Bath and Midsomer Norton.

The results of a public consultation on plans to renew alcohol restrictions in the two locations will be presented to Cabinet on September 9.

Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) were first introduced to reduce anti-social behavior in 2017 by Bath and the North East Somerset Council in response to concerns expressed by residents.

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Legally, the decrees must be reviewed every three years and the inhabitants consulted.

Reports to the cabinet on a consultation initially held for 12 weeks from December 2020 on restrictions for Bath and Midsomer Norton indicate that new orders for the two cities are expected to be put in place.

They also recommend that the Community Safety and Safeguarding Partnership regularly review the impact of equality orders, including the support and treatment available for people who abuse alcohol, including street drinkers.

The consultation was extended for an additional month due to a low response rate, giving residents 16 weeks to speak up.

Councilor Dine Romero, Cabinet Member for Children and Youth, Communities and Culture, said: “Thank you to everyone who participated in our consultation.

“The evidence gathered shows that the antisocial behavior associated with alcohol consumption has had a detrimental effect on the quality of life of the people of Bath and Midsomer Norton.

“Residents need to feel safe and secure to enjoy their town or city center without fear of being affected by anti-social behavior, so we will be reviewing these reports carefully to determine whether the scope of the orders provides sufficient protection to the public. “

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The consultation found that out of 62 responses received for Bath, 88 percent agreed that a PSPO to control alcohol consumption in Bath would be welcome, and only 12 percent (seven people) were not. disagree.

Up to 64% of respondents (40 people) said they had been affected by alcohol consumption on the streets in the region, with 36% (22 people) saying they had not been affected, which represents an increase of 7 % compared to the 2017 consultation.

Among those who agreed with a PSPO, links were made between street alcohol consumption and anti-social behavior, threatening behavior including violence and aggression, littering, urination in the street. street and vandalism.

Among those who disagreed with a PSPO, the key points were that the order as it is currently drafted is too restrictive or draconian, citing that it could restrict alcohol consumption in a park in as part of a picnic or other social gatherings.

It was also felt that the existing legislation is sufficient and that people would not comply with the PSPO.

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For Midsomer Norton, a total of 16 responses were received to the consultation.

86% (14 people) agreed that a PSPO to control alcohol consumption in Midsomer Norton was a good idea, with 14% (2 people) disagreeing.

A total of 60% said they were affected by alcohol consumption on the street, and 40% were not. In 2017, 54% said they had not been affected.

Of those who agreed with the idea of ​​a PSPO in Midsomer Norton, the majority believed it would reduce noisy drinking behavior, which some respondents felt threatened.

Of the two people who disagreed, one said the existing powers should be enough.

Anyone who violates a public space protection order and refuses to stop drinking or get rid of alcohol at the request of an authorized officer (e.g. a police officer) faces a lump sum fine of £ 100 or a fine of up to £ 500 if found guilty of violating the PSPO by a court.

You can read the reports to Cabinet, including the responses to the consultations, here.

The Cabinet meets on September 9 at 6.30 p.m. Watch the webcast or watch live or watch later on the council’s YouTube channel.

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This notice was published: 2021-09-03 14:44:47

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