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Brexit POLL: Are British expats treated badly after leaving the EU? | United Kingdom | New UK News

Around 360,000 Britons are registered as permanent residents in Spain, but it is estimated that many more have lived in the country without registering. Since the UK left the EU on January 1, Britons wishing to settle in Spain and other countries in the bloc have to meet certain conditions to obtain residency status, including financial means and coverage. sickness.

Those living in the EU before January 1, 2021 must submit a residency application to an immigration office to prove your residency.

If you registered as a resident before July 6, 2020, you will have a green A4 certificate or credit card size paper from Extranjeria or the police.

This is still a valid document and proves your rights under the withdrawal agreement.

Britons must also apply for a visa, valid for 90 days over a six-month period, to visit the block.

Wendy Morton, Minister for Europe and the Americas, also recently visited Spain to discuss British expatriates with the government in Madrid.

She said on Twitter: “Delighted to meet Minister for Europe Juan Barba.

“We discussed foreign policy and the extensive bilateral ties between the UK and Spain, especially between our peoples.

“We will continue to work together to ensure that Britons living in Spain can secure their rights under the Withdrawal Agreement.”

READ MORE: Expats leaving Spain in DROVES: Retired Brits abandon Costa del Sol

Robert Barnhardt, real estate expert and general manager of real estate, said many Britons in Spain are now starting to sell their properties due to post-Brexit difficulties.

He said: “A lot of retired Brits are starting to sell.

“They would come here in September or October, then stay until April / May for the six months of better weather.

“But now they can only come for 90 days and a lot of them used to drive down. The Spaniards are now becoming quite strict on cars registered abroad and mainly on British cars.

“On the country roads, where I live in the sticks, a lot of people drive in the same English cars.

“I mean I certainly saw them for 10 to 15 years with the same vehicle. And now it’s against the law and they’re being impounded.


RAC’s advice for driving in Spain is that your vehicle should display the UK letters and the letters should be visible regardless of what is on the car’s license plate.

Robert also suggested that health insurance had an impact on the decision of British expats to sell on the Costa del Sol.

He said “A lot of older people choose to go. Sometimes because of health care, or their health coverage.

Expatica states that an expatriate can now only access free health care in Spain if he is a resident or if he works and pays social security contributions.

Britons living in Spain and other EU countries have also been warned of complex processes if they wish to return to the UK with a European partner before March 2022.

From March 31, 2022, European spouses of UK nationals will have to apply for a full visa and go through a lengthy process if they wish to settle in the UK.

This includes obtaining sufficient language qualifications, skills and financial resources.

Those who do not meet the criteria may not be allowed entry, even if they are married to a Briton.

Jane Golding, chair of the British in Europe campaign group, said: “We are concerned that there are many families across the EU who do not understand the implications of the strict immigration rules that now apply to citizens British in the EU “.

“Many of us have older parents in the UK who may need our care, or we had always planned to retire in the UK to be close to family.

“The grace period granted until the end of March 2022 is simply not long enough for families to make the decision to uproot themselves and then arrange to return to the UK.

“We continue to press for a longer grace period.”

Do you think British expats in the EU were treated unfairly after Brexit? Let us know more on what you think in the comments section below.

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This notice was published: 2021-10-03 16:21:00

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