He added that the NHS needed public support “more than ever”.
A spokesperson for NHS suppliers told PA: ‘It is important that the Prime Minister recognizes that this is an emergency.
“The Omicron threat is becoming clearer, but there is an opportunity – through an accelerated recall campaign – to contain its impact.
“The NHS is already under enormous pressure, and scaling up in this way will be a huge challenge.
“But we’ve seen over the past 18 months, when it’s been tested like never before, how resilient and resourceful the healthcare department and its staff can be.”
He added that “we will have to redefine the priorities” because the NHS is “already beyond its full extension”.
The spokesperson said: “As hospital staff become more involved in the vaccination campaign, it may impact planned care, causing further delays.
“Patients will be prioritized based on clinical need, but trusted leaders are all too aware of the impact of these difficult decisions. “
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“And as we focus on boosters and make this new goal achievable, that will mean other dates will have to be postponed until the New Year.”
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Source: www.express.co.uk
This notice was published: 2021-12-13 04:17:36