
Hove MP criticizes government over Ukrainian refugees Brighton News

PETER Kyle has slammed government ‘bureaucratic barriers’ limiting the ability of Ukrainian refugees to come to the UK.

The MP for Hove, who served as an aid worker in the Balkans before entering politics, told a BBC Question Time panel that there needed to be a system to give people a emergency protection to those in need to enable them to come to Britain for refuge.

Mr Kyle said: “You can have a system as fast as not having a visa at all. Ukrainians have biometric identification systems and passports, so it could be done in a snap.

“You could bring people in and you can do the checks immediately in seconds to allow people to come in and settle in this country, usually with friends and family.

“What we don’t do is put bureaucratic barriers to their coming.”

Mr Kyle also criticized successive government cuts to the armed forces and said: ‘We need to understand the impact that 12 years of Conservative government has had on our armed forces. We now have fewer ships, fewer sailors and fewer soldiers than this country has had for 300 years.

He called on the government to ensure that it sanctions more oligarchs with ties to Putin and that these sanctions must be implemented quickly.

Mr Kyle said: “Vladimir Putin is a gangster, he surrounds himself with gangsters, and they have come to our country – mainly to London, and they have invested in London because they think we are corrupt enough to host.

“We have to make sure we tackle them one by one and we do that decisively.”

However, comedian and commentator Konstantin Kisin has slammed My Kyle for playing “party politics” at a time when people are talking about the potential outbreak of World War III.

Mr Kisin, from Russia, said he felt “nothing but shame for my country”.

However, he said Western countries were doing nothing to directly support Ukraine’s fight against Russia.

He said, “NATO cannot get involved in this because it would start World War III, which would lead to the annihilation of all of us. Of course, we can continue to provide ammunition and weapons, but this is a fight the Ukrainians must win themselves.

More than a million Ukrainians have fled the country since the Russian invasion began last week, according to the United Nations.

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This notice was published: 2022-03-04 11:35:24

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