Wine News

How to boost your immune system naturally in 2022 and the best foods to eat this winter Wine News

Although your parents made you believe that eating mountains of broccoli or garlic galore would keep you from getting sick, unfortunately, there is no magic bullet for the immune system. Genetics, age and exercise are all contributing factors – and no amount added to your diet will protect you against infections.

But wait! A number of foods – including garlic – have remarkably good antimicrobial properties, and while they’re not guaranteed to protect you against an illness or two, it certainly won’t hurt to add a little extra. more of these nutrient-dense foods in your daily diet. .

“To stay healthy you need to maintain a strong immune system and this involves, oddly enough, exercising to help your immune system and eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day,” says Dr. Dawn Harper, GP and presenter. Channel 4’s embarrassing bodies. “Vitamin C is particularly good for our immune system, so we need to make sure we eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as get enough sleep.”

Also, consider looking for foods high in vitamins E, D, and A, as well as iron, zinc, and selenium. And if your local supermarket is short on fresh produce, frozen fruits and vegetables can be just as beneficial.

No matter the crisis, eating a healthy, balanced diet makes a lot of sense, so stick to it.

The best foods for the immune system

1. Broccoli

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This notice was published: 2022-01-24 16:02:09

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